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The Creative Process  : Where Do I Start?
Streaming Media
The Creative Process : Where Do I Start?
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To get you started remixing, the National Film Board of Canada has captured the savvy of some great Canadian storytellers on film. In short, two-minute segments, our NFB Tips feature insights from Double Happiness director Mina Shum, Oscar Award-winner Denys Arcand, The Hockey Sweater author Roch Carrier, Emporte-moi director Léa Pool and Zacharias Kunuk, the filmmaker behind Atanarjuat (The Fast Runner). In addition to watching the videos, you can check out the photographs these storytellers took during the film shoot in the NFB Tips gallery. You can also respond to the Canada CODE Challenges they've inspired to date: Mina Shum - What object says Canada to you? Denys Arcand - What landmark speaks to you? Roch Carrier - What do you do outside? Léa Pool - Where do you escape?  .
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