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Energy for the 21st century : a comprehensive guide to conventional and alternative sources
Energy for the 21st century : a comprehensive guide to conventional and alternative sources
-- Energy for the twenty-first century.
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List of Tables and Figures: Top world ethanol producers -Contribution of biomass -Employment, productivity and safety -Shareholders® percentage -Employment patterns of jack-ups and semisubmersibles -Historical development of refining processes -Write-up of OPEC reserves -World®s largest oil fields -Energy content of motor vehicle fuels -How far can a gasoline tax go? -International natural gas pipeline movements -U.S. electricity generating units -World®s largest dams in terms of electricity generation -Economic analysis of actual solar energy system -Calculating carbon release -Global warming potential and atmospheric lifetime of greenhouse gases -Proposed CAFE standards for light trucks -Average annual energy costs of oil and natural gas -2030 projected oil demand and supply -Exhausting a resource -History of the global population -Percentage of population below age 15 -Annual change in world population -Energy consumption and world population growth -Global per capita energy consumption -Marine life harvest -Energy consumption -Growth in world electricity demand -World®s leading nations in electricity generation -Energy sources for electricity generation -Global coal production/consumption -World®s leading consumers/ producers of coal -Known coal reserves and R/P ratios U.S. Oil and coal prices- Oil consumption by nation in 2002 -Role of coal in China and India -Role of Coal in the United States and Europe -Role of coal in Russia and Japan Growth in World and U.S. Oil consumption and OPEC production -U.S. oil consumption and production -. History of Middle East crude oil prices-Saudi Arabia oil production and consumption-Per capita GDP in Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and Japan since the oil crisis-Cost factors of a U.S. gallon of regular gasoline in 2000-Comparison of gasoline prices in Europe and the United States-Success ratios and productivity of U.S. oil and gas wells-Nations with declining oil production-World®s proven reserves-World ratio of reserves to production-Major world oil producers-Major world oil consumers-Major world oil reserves-Frequency of discovery of giant oil fields-Comparison of major discoveries versus consumption-World heavy oil and bitumen resources-U.S. versus world automobile population-Composition of new car sales in the United States-Automobiles per one thousand population-Average miles driven per year for passenger cars-Arabian gulf oil exports and U.S. imports from the Arabian gulf-Consumption versus waste of natural gas-World natural gas consumption in tcf-World®s largest natural gas reserves-Sources and destinations of LNG-U.S. average natural gas wellhead price U.S. Natural gas reserves versus consumption-Distribution of electricity-generating capacity-Growth in nuclear power in terms of displaced fossil fuels-Role of nuclear power in generating electricity-World population of commercial nuclear reactors-World®s largest hydropower producers-Nations with the greatest dependence on hydropower-Principal wind energy generating nations-Growth in solar photovoltaic (PV) power-Automobile and light truck CAFE standards-U.S. light truck and automobile population-U.S. gasoline price and consumption 2005.
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